Sunday, August 1, 2010

Yesterday was a great day in Burlington, VT...

Beautiful weather, a beautiful city - it was so nice to cross the lake on the Ferry yesteraday - had a wonderful time.....and the Church Street Marketplace was very, very busy......WOW!!!!!

And, there was this big presence of colorful, handpainted cows all over the marketplace.....the name of the exposition was THE COWS COME HOME TO BURLINGTON!!!!!

Here's a link so you can find out more about the exposition!!!!


  1. Church Street Marketplace is a beautiful way to spend a day!!! I haven't been for a few years, and would love to go back there. Have seen towns with those artistic animals twice in my past.....Belfast, Maine did bears one year and Wilton, Maine did loons one year.

  2. Hi Nancy...
    It is true - Church Street Marketplace is a wonderfy way to spend any it there.. :-)
    There are other photos of the cows...I may have to add a few more :-)
